Fuck me! I’m actually writing blog again xD. It’s been a while (if 4 years is counted as a while) when I was posting my thought on random stuff online. I remember I posted a note about ‘corrupt government’ (who does not?) on Facebook back then when I graduated from high school, and I made my first blog about movies, not reviewing it, but trying to get some take-away off the movie. Now I’ve already launch a creative digital agency and a web development house, last April, been developing 40 something sites (I guess), and I didn’t have personal site. What a blasphemy, right?

Not really. I was more of a not-care-as-long-as-there-is-no-urgency type of guy. You know, the guy who only sign up on Facebook because there is a Facebook game that I wanted to play (which I was), or the guy who didn’t get a shower a week long on winter because we didn’t sweat or smell on winter (It’s true and I was). Stop judging, yeah stop right there.
Now after I’m being quite self aware (more of this on the future post), and it mainly because the book that I’ve read, “Show your Work!”, by Austin Kleon (where do you thing I got such a title? I’m not that creative :3), which really drove me to write a blog again. This time, not complainin’, not about reviewin’ movie and shit, but as the title said, showing my work (or thoughts around my works) . “Why? Does It mean showing off?”. Why the fuck not? Showing your works online mean sharing to people, so they know what you’re capable of. I think It’s much much better than sharing photo’s of your breakfast, lunch, new shoes, your selfies, or whatever that categorize as consumptive on Insta-*cough* (which trying to murder SnapChat this week). Like recently, I’m following my passive mentor (more of this topic in the future post) like Pieter Level, Tobias VanSchneider, Gary Vaynerchuck, and many more (but on the moment mainly those guys). These guys are productive as fuck. You can see on their site what’ve they made online and because they share their work publicly; they got a lot of appreciations, suggestion and critiques; which leading them to improve their skillsets; and actually living the shit out of their passion(which previously was just their hobby). Who does not want that?
So yeah I stupidly figure this out because reading Kleon’s book. Show your Work, friends!
On the upcoming posts, I’ll likely discussing about the stuff that I passionate on the moment which are Maker Culture, code and stuff (mostly web development), Design Perspective (yes, I design stuff now. Can’t you believe it? I myself can’t), and Electronic Music (follow me on Soundcloud btw, you won’t regret it if you like some nice beat).
The assignment submission period was over and I was nervous, safetoto and I am very happy to see your post just in time and it was a great help. Thank you ! Leave your blog address below. Please visit me anytime.
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